We are very grateful to be hosted by the Vancouver Maritime Museum!
Since opening in 1959 as a Centennial project, the Vancouver Maritime Museum has celebrated the profound significance of the ocean and waterways of the Pacific and Arctic for over fifty years. Located in stunning Vanier Park, Vancouver, BC, the Maritime Museum’s featured attraction is the St. Roch, a National Historic Site and RCMP vessel that was the first vessel to circumnavigate North America and the only link between distant communities in the Canadian Arctic in the early 20th century. The museum also has extensive galleries of model ships, including a particularly fine bone model of the French warship Vengeur du Peuple which was built around 1800 by French prisoners of war, a Children’s Maritime Discovery Centre, a recreation of the fo’c’sle (forecastle) of Vancouver’s ship Discovery, an extensive collection of maritime art, the boiler of the Beaver which was the first steamship in the Pacific Northwest, and many more wonders and treasures.